This policy applies to information collected or submitted on this website.

Information we collect

Data you submit for creating videos is stored in our database to be able to provide the service. If you choose to sign in using your email address, we will store the email address and whether you have verified it. Email addresses are only used for verifying your email and sending login links. We do not sell your details. We do not store passwords because we use verification emails to log you in.

Uploaded Files

If you choose to upload cover art and/or a music file, we have to store that to be able to provide the service. We do not share files with third parties and all files are automatically deleted after 2 days. If you require manual deletion before this time, please get in touch.

Technical Details

Our server software may store basic technical information, such as your IP address, in temporary memory or logs.

We use cookies and local storage of your browser to keep you logged in and store information relating to your project. This information is not stored on our end until you initiate the video creation process.

We use the following service providers which also have access to basic technical information passing through their services and data stored using their resources:

We do not store any payment information. Payments are handled by Stripe (Privacy Policy).

Contacting Us

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you may email

Changes to this policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.

  • October 2022: First version
  • February 2023: Added Vercel Analytics Privacy Page
  • April 2023: Removed Vercel Analytics Privacy Page
  • May 2023: Removed MongoDB and added Google Firebase Privacy Page